quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

Inglês - Matérias do Dia 19 de Outubro de 2011

 It's in front of the backpack.
Esta na frente da mochila.

It's in the backpack.
Esta dentro da mochila.

It's under the backpack.
Esta em baixo da mochila.

It's on the backpack.
Esta em cima da mochila.

It's behind the backpack.
Esta atrás da mochila.

It's nex to the backpack.
Esta do lado da mochila.

It's between the backpack and the crayons.
Esta entre a mochila e os lapis de cor.

>Answers and questions: Prepositions
Where's my eraser?
Your erase is the floor.
It's on the floor.

Where's the clock?
The clock is on the wall.
It is on the wall.

Where are your crayons?
My crayons are on my desk.

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